Baby on Board: What to Know Before Flying with an Infant

Flying with an Infant

Traveling with a baby can be a challenging experience, especially if it’s your first time. However, with the right preparation, it can be a stress-free and enjoyable experience. If you’re planning to fly with your little one, here’s what you should know before taking off.

Also read about some tips for a first time flight with your baby.

Age Restrictions

Age Restrictions and Documentation Most airlines require infants to be at least two weeks old to fly. In addition, you’ll need to bring a copy of your baby’s birth certificate or passport to prove their age. It’s essential to check with your airline about their specific requirements before you fly. Most airlines allow infants under the age of 2 to fly for free on their parent’s lap or for a discounted rate if they occupy their own seat. However, age restrictions may vary by airline, and some may require infants to be at least 2 weeks old to fly. It’s essential to check with your airline beforehand about their specific requirements for infants traveling on their planes.

Choosing the Right Seat

Choosing Your Seats When traveling with an infant, it’s a good idea to choose seats that provide easy access to the aisle. Many airlines offer bulkhead seats, which are located at the front of the plane and provide more legroom and space for a bassinet or a baby carrier. Keep in mind that these seats may have limited overhead storage and no under-seat storage.

Packing the Essentials for Flying with an Infant

Packing Essentials When traveling with a baby, packing the right essentials can make all the difference. Be sure to bring enough diapers, wipes, formula, and baby food for the duration of your flight, plus a little extra in case of delays. Don’t forget to pack a change of clothes for both you and your baby, as well as any medications your little one may need.

Car Seats and Strollers

Bringing a Car Seat or a Stroller Most airlines allow you to bring a car seat and a stroller for free, but it’s essential to check with your airline beforehand. If you decide to bring a car seat, make sure it’s FAA-approved and fits your airline’s seat dimensions. If you prefer to use a stroller, you can check it at the gate and pick it up when you land.

Pro Tip: Feed your Baby During Takeoff and Landing

Feeding Your Baby During the Flight It’s essential to feed your baby during takeoff and landing to help their ears adjust to the changes in air pressure. If you’re nursing, you can breastfeed your baby or use a nursing cover. If you’re bottle-feeding, bring pre-measured formula and a bottle that you can easily mix on the plane.

Entertaining your Baby

Entertainment for Your Baby Traveling can be tiring for anyone, especially babies. To keep your little one entertained during the flight, pack some of their favorite toys or books. You can also download baby-friendly apps or movies on your smartphone or tablet.

Minimize the Effects of Jet Lag when Flying with an Infant

Dealing with Jet Lag If you’re traveling across different time zones, you and your baby may experience jet lag. To minimize the effects, try to adjust your baby’s sleep schedule a few days before your flight. Once you arrive, get as much sunlight as possible to help regulate your baby’s circadian rhythm.

There are several products that you can purchase before flying with an infant. Here are some of the best.

In conclusion, flying with a baby requires extra preparation and patience, but it can be a rewarding experience. With the right planning and preparation, you can ensure a safe and comfortable flight for both you and your little one. Remember to check with your airline about their specific requirements, pack the right essentials, and choose seats that provide easy access to the aisle. Finally, don’t forget to enjoy the journey and create lasting memories with your new family member.

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