Tips for first time baby flight

Here are the top 12 tips for traveling on a plane with a baby for the first time

Also read about how to travel with an infant.

The basics of first time baby flight

  1. Pack essentials: Make sure to pack all of the essentials your baby will need during the flight, including diapers, wipes, formula or breast milk, a spare outfit, and a blanket.
  2. Book a bulkhead seat: Consider booking a bulkhead seat, which typically has more legroom and space for a bassinet.
  3. Bring a baby carrier: A baby carrier can be a lifesaver when traveling by plane with a baby. It allows you to keep your hands free while also providing a sense of security for your little one.

Other considerations for first time baby flight

  1. Use noise-cancelling headphones: Noise-cancelling headphones can be a great way to block out the noise of the plane and help your baby sleep.
  2. Bring a pacifier: A pacifier can be a great tool for helping your baby fall asleep and stay asleep during the flight.
  3. Dress in layers: Dress your baby in layers so that you can easily adjust their clothing if the cabin temperature changes.

Things to bring on a flight for the first time baby flight

  1. Pack snacks: Pack some snacks for yourself and your baby to enjoy during the flight.
  2. Bring a changing pad: A changing pad can be a great way to protect your lap and the airplane seat during a diaper change.
  3. Pack a small toy: Pack a small toy or two for your baby to play with during the flight.
  4. Use a baby sling: If you have a baby sling, it can be a great way to keep your baby close to you during the flight.
  5. Bring a baby monitor: If you are traveling with a baby who is old enough to sleep in their own seat, bring a baby monitor to keep an eye on them during the flight.
  6. Be prepared for delays: Flights can be delayed or cancelled, so it’s a good idea to pack a bag with extra clothes, snacks, and diapers in case you get stuck in the airport.

Traveling on a plane with a baby for the first time can be a bit overwhelming, but with a little bit of planning and preparation, it can also be a great experience for both you and your little one. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to enjoy your first flight with your baby with ease.

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