Key events during childbirth

Here is what to expect at the hospital when having a baby

When you go to the hospital to have a baby, you can expect a few different things to happen. Here are a few key things to keep in mind:

Also see the cost of childbirth in the United States.

A timeline of childbirth

  1. Pre-labor. Before active labor begins, you will likely be admitted to the hospital and placed in a labor and delivery room. The hospital staff will check your vital signs and monitor the baby’s heart rate. Your healthcare provider will also check to see how dilated your cervix is, and may administer medication to induce labor if necessary.
  2. Active labor. When your contractions become stronger and more frequent, you will be in active labor. The hospital staff will continue to monitor your vital signs and the baby’s heart rate. You may be offered pain relief options such as an epidural or a spinal block.
  3. Delivery. Once your cervix is fully dilated, you will begin to push. Your healthcare provider will guide you through the delivery process and will help you to deliver the baby.
  4. After delivery. After the baby is born, they will be checked over by the hospital staff. You may be able to hold and breastfeed the baby, depending on your condition and the baby’s condition. The hospital staff will also monitor your vital signs and check for any postpartum complications.
  5. Recovery. After delivery, you will likely stay in the hospital for a few days to recover. You will be given instructions on how to care for your baby, and you will be able to bond with your baby and begin breastfeeding.

Every childbirth is different

It’s important to note that every birth is different, and not all births will follow this path. It’s also important to have a birth plan in place that you can share with your healthcare provider and hospital staff, so that your preferences and expectations are known.

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