Should newborn babies sleep with a blanket?

When it comes to a baby’s sleep, safety is of the utmost importance. One of the key safety concerns is ensuring that the baby’s sleeping environment is free of any potential hazards, such as suffocation or entrapment. This includes the use of blankets in the crib.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies should be placed on their backs to sleep. They should be on a firm and flat surface. Such as a crib or bassinet, with a tight-fitting sheet. The AAP advises against the use of any soft bedding. Such as blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. Those should not be in the crib during the first year of life. This is because these items can increase the risk of suffocation or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Should my baby sleep with a blanket?

The reason for this recommendation is that when a baby is sleeping on soft bedding, their face can get buried in the material. They may not be able to move their head to breathe. Additionally, when a baby is wrapped in a blanket, they can become entangled in it, which can also restrict their breathing.

However, as your baby grows and reaches around one year old. You may consider introducing a light blanket to the crib. But it is important to take precautions. Choose a light and breathable blanket, such as a muslin or a cotton blanket, and make sure it is tucked in securely around the baby’s feet, rather than covering their face.

Other considerations if your baby should sleep with a blanket

Additionally. It is important to monitor your baby’s movements and ensure that they are not getting tangled up in the blanket while they sleep. You should check your baby frequently. Especially in the early stages of using a blanket, to make sure they are safe and comfortable.

It is also important to note that the use of a blanket in the crib is not a substitute for proper sleepwear. Your baby should always wear appropriate sleepwear, such as a one-piece sleeper or pajamas, to keep them warm.

Infant sleep and precautions has been extensively covered in this article from the AAP.

Also check out the top 10 things that newborns crave.

In summary, it is not recommended for babies to sleep with a blanket in their crib during their first year of life. Due to the risk of suffocation or SIDS. However, as your baby grows and reaches around one year old, you may consider introducing a light blanket to the crib. However it is still important to take precautions and monitor your baby’s movements. Always prioritize your baby’s safety and comfort while they sleep.



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