Babies typically say “dada” first

Your baby’s first word may be DADA instead of MAMA, here is why not to worry

Babies typically say “dada” before they say “mama,”. This is a common phenomenon that has been observed in many infants. There are several reasons why babies may say “dada” before they say “mama.”

Reasons why babies typically say “dada”

One reason is that the sound of “dada” is simpler and easier for babies to pronounce than the sound of “mama.” The sound “dada” is made by the vocal cords closing together to produce a sound. Which is relatively simple for babies to replicate. On the other hand, the sound “mama” requires more precise tongue and lip movements, which can be more challenging for babies to master.

Another reason is that babies tend to hear the sound “dada” more often than “mama.” A study by researchers at the University of Delaware found that, on average, babies hear the sound “dada” spoken to them 14 times more often than “mama.” This is because parents, caregivers, and other family members tend to use the sound “dada” more frequently when speaking to babies.

Additionally, some researchers suggest that the sound of “dada” may be more salient to babies than “mama.” Since babies are primarily visual learners, they tend to focus more on their father’s face than their mother’s when they are looking for a familiar face. This makes the sound “dada” more salient to them.

There is still hope that babies typically say “mama” instead of “dada”

It’s also worth noting that the order in which babies say “dada” or “mama” can vary. Some babies may say “mama” first, while others may not say either word at all until later in their development.

In conclusion, babies typically say “dada” before “mama” for a variety of reasons. Including the simplicity of the sound, the frequency of hearing the sound and the salience of the sound to the baby. It is important to remember that every baby is different. The order in which they say words can vary. Parents should be patient with their child’s development and continue to talk and interact with them regularly.

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